Review archive


Review archive

Hint: if you like to download many games at once, use the ZIP archive.

See Jan van der Steen's page, on how to set up your web browser for go games.


Some games have been incorrectly duplicated. They are not listed in the indices above:

077-jansteen-daveg-geek.sgf   is a duplicate of 031-jansteen-daveg-geek.sgf
079-jansteen-drew-osman.sgf                     056-jansteen-drew-osman.sgf
104-djna-whhosken-pimento.sgf                   019-djna-whhosken-pimento.sgf
144-rjs-rich-chrisg.sgf                         025-rjs-rich-chrisg.sgf
148-rjs-hobbes-simonm.sgf                       026-rjs-hobbes-simonm.sgf
150-rjs-rjs-rich.sgf                            027-rjs-rjs-rich.sgf